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Rotterdam Pride


Ook jij kan Rotterdam Pride steunen met jouw inzet zodat we nog meer zichtbaar zijn, kunnen werken aan onze missie en een nog toffere programmering hebben. Hiermee draag jij bij aan een inclusieve samenleving waarin iedereen zich welkom en veilig mag voelen ongeacht seksuele geaardheid, gender-identiteit, kleur, leeftijd, lichaamsvorm of culturele achtergrond.

The pandemi has had an impact on all of us. Rotterdam Pride therefore wants to continue to work to connect everyone during these challenging times.

Read here about how we will do this!

Curious which events will take place during Rotterdam Pride?

See the listing here!

Would you like to stay informed about the Rotterdam Pride organisation? Check out all the news items here.

Take a look!

Fear of missing out? Don't miss anything about what is going to happen during Rotterdam Pride. Leave your e-mail address here, so we can keep you informed.  

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Want to know more about Rotterdam Pride as an organisation and what we want to do for the LGBTQ + community?  

Get to know us

Do you want to volunteer at Rotterdam Pride?

We have a wide range of volunteer possibilities! Everyone is welcome and there is a place for everyone! In addition to various tasks during our events, there are also opportunities to come up with new concepts. We would be happy to discuss these with you.

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