Pride Talk 2023

Live broadcast

Pride Talks

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Rotterdam Pride Talks

Lectures and conversations about what is going on in the LGBTQIA+ community in Rotterdam and worldwide

Join the Pride Talks, the substantive program of Rotterdam Pride which was formerly known as the Pride Conference, to participate in panel discussions and lectures on topics such as identity, expression, alternative forms of relationship and education. We see the talks as an essential part of our program, because during these conversations we can go into depth with each other about what is going on and how we can further promote LGBTQIA+ acceptance and emancipation.

The Rotterdam team has recently worked an interpretation of the program that is inspiring, connecting and relevant. In addition, we hope that this year's Pride Talks will once again provide a moment of recognition and recognition for everyone within the LGBTQIA+ community.

Feel welcome, also as an ally, to listen and talk to like-minded people. The topics that will be covered are precisely intended to inform and connect people who would not come into contact with each other so quickly in everyday life.

Pride Talks


De ticketprijzen zijn verdeeld in drie prijsklassen: basis, standaard en community. Dit doen we zodat de prijzen toegankelijk zijn voor iedereen en je zelf kunt kiezen welke prijs voor jou juist voelt.

Buy your ticket now!

open een pride talk hieronder en koop je ticket via de ticket link

Pride Talk is a regular part of the programming during pride week, in past years we had a multi-day conference. Here we discussed subjects included kids & chosen family, queers in music, celebrate your body and queers in fashion. Curious about past year's talks/conferences? Then you're in luck, because everything can be watched back via our website or YouTube!

Watch the


Best Of

Rotterdam Pride talks

Watch the


Best Off

Rotterdam Pride Conference 2021

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